Exhibits Policy
It is part of the Library function to provide access to intellectual and cultural resources to the community. Thus, the Utica Public Library welcomes the opportunity to allow community groups, organizations, or individuals to use the various display areas of the Library. Space is provided for displays of an educational, cultural, civic or recreational nature, rather than for commercial or political purposes.
Exhibits in the Library are seen by anyone who walks into the Library-both children and adults who may have various degrees of sophistication. The materials of the exhibits must therefore meet what is generally known as “standards acceptable to the community.”
Application for exhibits must be made through the Director’s Administrative Assistant. The Library shall have final decision on the content and arrangement of all exhibits. Every item must meet the Library’s standard of value and quality and the Library reserves the right to reject any part of an exhibit or to change the manner of display.
All publicity material relating to exhibits shall be submitted for approval by the Library.
Areas available to the public for display are (1) the glass exhibit case in the Lobby, (2) the bulletin boards, (3) moveable glass exhibit cases, and the Gallery.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to set up and remove the exhibits. Exhibits will be scheduled for a period acceptable both to the library and the exhibitor.
The Library’s insurance policy covers only items owned by the Library. The Library is not responsible for items displayed by the exhibitor. All exhibitors are required to sign a form which releases the Library from any responsibility for exhibited items.