Computer Use Procedures
Adult card holders (ages 14 and older) may use the public access computers in the Reference Room. The following general rules apply:
- You are limited to one hour of computer time per day.
- You must use your own library card to register for computer access. Visitors from outside the Mid-York Library System may be issued a temporary guest pass with proper ID.
- If your keyboard and mouse are inactive for three minutes you will be logged out.
- If you need to leave your computer briefly, please click the “Lock Screen” button at the bottom of the screen.
- When you are finished using the computer, click "Exit" on the lower toolbar. You will be logged out and the computer will reboot to a "clean", unused condition; all traces of your use will be gone.
- Computers will shut down 15 minutes before library closing.
- Black and white printouts are ten cents per page. Color printouts are twenty-five cents per page.
- You will be responsible for all your printed pages.
- Only one person will be allowed per computer.
- No unsuitable graphic material allowed.
Additional rules apply for computer access in the Children’s Room:
- The Children's Room provides computers for use by children and teens up to 17 years of age. Preschoolers and non-readers will need a parent or guardian to monitor and assist them with the computer.
- Preference will be given to children under the age of 14 for computer usage in the Children's Room, since those 14-years-old and up are able to use the Adult computers in the Reference Room.
- Children's Room staff reserve the right to limit computer time.
- Children doing research and homework assignments will be given first choice of computer time. Every effort will be made to be sure all children are given ample time to complete assignments.
- Only two people are allowed to share a computer at one time.
Children's Room computers are available to use for homework, research and recreation. Acceptable recreational activities include, but are not limited to, internet surfing, online games, watching videos and listening to music, online chat, and social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. Note: If a child has an account with one of these sites it will not be the responsibility of the Children's Room Staff to determine if they should be on the site based on their age and the site's Rules of Use.
Failure to comply with the above rules may result in suspension or loss of computer access privileges. Additional information regarding computer access may be found in our Internet Access Policy.